Trip to D.C. - Part 1

 Sometimes you wake up and realize you need to go see a friend. This time that friend lived in Alexandria just outside of Washington DC. I had some time on my own to explore Oldtown, get my mom some bolivian goodies, and catch up with some people I haven't seen in what feels like a lifetime while consuming all of the food. All of it. :)

Oldtown, Diana Ascarrunz, Alexandria
Killer Espresso, Alexandria, Oldtown

Killer E.S.P. my new favorite place in Oldtown. I bought a total of 6 saltenas in 3 days from here. No regrets. Definitely stop by this place next time you're near Alexandria.

Killer Espresso, Alexandria

Potomac Bead Company has 3 floors of beans and plenty of people to help you find your way around. Best bead selection I've ever seen.


Being in D.C. means stopping by the latino grocery and picking up all the bolivian treats that aren't available in Atlanta. Bestway Supermercado will take care of you.

fibre space, oldtown, alexandria, diana in atlanta

Fibre Space is this super cute yarn supply that also offers classes and every type of yarn you need. Oldtown definitely caters to the crafty lady.

fibre space, oldtown, alexandria, diana in atlanta
fibre space, oldtown, alexandria, diana in atlanta
fibre space, oldtown, alexandria, diana in atlanta
fibre space, oldtown, alexandria, diana in atlanta
oldtown, alexandria, antique store
alexandria, scottish parade, diana ascarrunz
alexandria, portrait
alexandria cupcake, alexandria, oldtown, desserts

Beware! You will eat all the cupcakes and cookies, and you will enjoy it. See:  Alexandria Cupcakes.

alexandria cupcake, alexandria, oldtown, desserts

alexandria cupcake, alexandria, oldtown, desserts

alexandria cupcake, alexandria, oldtown, desserts
alexandria cupcake, alexandria, oldtown, desserts
Fontaine Caffe and Creperie, alexandria, oldtown

The grand finale of the food olympics we decided to have on a rainy Saturday in Alexandria.

alexandria, food
Diana Ascarrunz

Commercial + Wedding Photographer living in Austin, Texas

Shauna, Justin and Tala // Atlanta Family Session


Atlanta with Rachel from Hepzibah Farms