Food, Travel Diana Ascarrunz Food, Travel Diana Ascarrunz

Trip to D.C. - Part 1

 Sometimes you wake up and realize you need to go see a friend. This time that friend lived in Alexandria just outside of Washington DC. I had some time on my own to explore Oldtown, get my mom some bolivian goodies, and catch up with some people I haven't seen in what feels like a lifetime while consuming all of the food. All of it. :)

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Atlanta, Cooking Diana Ascarrunz Atlanta, Cooking Diana Ascarrunz

Ria's Bluebird 14th Anniversary Celebration

Ria's Bluebird, a special place that brings a certain group of people together. They are the people who know everyone and who everyone knows or knows of. I hope that makes sense. The night was filled with good people, great food, drinks, teenage skateboarders, beautiful drag queens, and the right music.

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Art, Atlanta Diana Ascarrunz Art, Atlanta Diana Ascarrunz


Located just North of Adair Park near West End, Freeside is a labyrinth of tools, spaces, and people who are interested in learning more. They provide classes and serve as a space for people to meet and create.

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Sewing, Travel Diana Ascarrunz Sewing, Travel Diana Ascarrunz

New York Trip 2014

In about a span of 5 minutes, we started discussing how cool it would be to go to NYC to see friends, buy fabric, and eat everything, then found tickets, and set a date. This ended being one of the better decisions of this year.

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Art, Atlanta Diana Ascarrunz Art, Atlanta Diana Ascarrunz


Last night, instead of going out, Mark and I decided to stay home and make some gifs. Turns out gifs aren't just for cats and quoting movies anymore. There are lots of beautiful gifs out there by people who are far more talented than me.

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